DECEMBER 10. 2021.

How volunteering changed my way of life

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Edesa Behaj

This was my first experience as a volunteer in a youth exchange.
At first, I did not want to participate, because I didn't want to get out of my comfort zone. Now I'm extremely happy and thankful that I did. We were volunteering at D-Festival Dojran in North Macedonia, and at first, I didn't even know what to expect. Well, it was just great!

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I made some great friends and had the best time. I recommend volunteering to everyone who wants to feel accomplished and needs a new experience in their life; it makes you understand yourself better and understand your life expectations. :) xoxo

The views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the ROUTE WB6 project, the project consortium members or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway which supports the project. The author is solely responsible for the validity and accuracy of the information presented in this story.