DECEMBER 23. 2021.

Volunteering in Novi Sad

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Ensara Reçi

I am Ensara Reçi from Albania and my volunteer experience started on 29th November in Novi Sad European Youth capital at OPENS organization.

I had the chance to meet peers from the region and the representatives of the hosting organization in Novi Sad where I spend with them two amazing weeks. We joined their activities on AIDS Day, Day of Persons with Disabilities, Volunteer Day, and also the chance to work with artists from Albania and Serbia on art installations.

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In addition to that, we had the opportunity to visit Novi Sad. I believe that these opportunities open new doors among youth from the region, break the prejudices and most important create new friendships.

Thanks to everyone for making this possible :)

The views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the ROUTE WB6 project, the project consortium members or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway which supports the project. The author is solely responsible for the validity and accuracy of the information presented in this story.