SEPTEMBER 30. 2021.

Ocean Lava Montenegro 2021 Volunteering Experience

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Ergi Kaso
Beyond Barriers

My name is Ergi Kaso, I was part of the ROUTE WB6 volunteering program that took place in Montenegro from 22nd to 27th September for the Ocean Lava triathlon race. Overall I would say that the experience was unforgettable. I was able to work with peers from all of the WB6, learn about their cultures, but also explore the city of Kotor in our free time.

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The staff was friendly and kind to us, providing all of our needs. To sum up my story, I want to say that I was glad I was part of the hundreds of volunteers crew, who worked tirelessly to make this great event happen.

The views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the ROUTE WB6 project, the project consortium members or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway which supports the project. The author is solely responsible for the validity and accuracy of the information presented in this story.