AUGUST 30. 2021.

BIH color festival

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Sara Tešanović
BIH color fest

This will probably be the wholesome story you will hear today. I got an e-mail, on Wednesday, which it was asking me if I wanted to volunteer at BIH color fest in Brčko. When I read it I honestly didn’t know who it was from or if it was some kind of a joke, but I couldn’t overthink it and I confirmed my arrival in two minutes (talking about adventures am I right?). Next thing I know I am at the bus station ready to go to Brčko. At the gate of Villa Bakarni I was being welcomed by my amazing coordinator Aldina, who was there for me all week.

I am not going to lie I was scared because I didn’t know anyone, but as soon as we met and started talking we found amazing topics to discuss. Since I was the youngest in our volunteer group I thought I would never fit in, but I was wrong. Aldina and the rest of the group were so good and kind to me no matter my age. We had a lot of work to do, our faces always had a big smile and the atmosphere was never down. Even though some older generations would think we fought between ourselves because of our nationalities, jokes on them; with this experience, we made a whole new nationality called friendship without boundaries. Thanks to all the glory jokes we made.

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When the festival started, they told us, you are here to work and have fun and when I tell you, we had more fun than anyone at the festival I guarantee. Enea with his dancing moves put such a big smile on our faces and we were enjoying it so much. We had different activities in our free time, like visiting Ekmecic and Becirevic houses and we even had a DJ class with one of the DJs from the festival. He collected our favorite songs and put them all in a mix! I spent the best week of my life in Brčko, with people I can now call family, so of course, I was sad about coming back to Belgrade. I hope to participate in more activities and I hope to get more opportunities!

The views expressed in this story are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the ROUTE WB6 project, the project consortium members or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway which supports the project. The author is solely responsible for the validity and accuracy of the information presented in this story.